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coastal banksia integrifolia

Coastal Banksia

Banksia integrifolia

12 metres at maturity
7 metres at maturity
Growth rate:
Moderate to fast.
Growth Habit:
Coastal Banksia has an upright, irregular single trunk which is often twisted and gnarled. Also features crooked spreading branches.
Adult leaves are usually smooth-edged and dark green with a white underside
From January through to July, prominent pale lemon-yellow cylinder shaped posies appear.
Preferred growing conditions:
An Australian tree, hardy and versatile, tolerant of sand, clay, acid and even alkaline soils and aspects, but prefers a well-drained soil. Copes with frosts as well as exposed coastal sites. To encourage a more uniform growth pattern, pruning in the early developmental stage is recommended. Tree will grow with a lean towards the light if planted in more shady sites.
Landscape Use:
Due to its ability to cope with exposure to salt and winds, Banksia integrifolia is ideal for planting in coastal regions. Also suitable as a specimen tree in larger landscapes due to its hardiness or as an ornamental because of its intriguing and enduring floral display and leaves.

* All dimensions are indicative

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